1 Peter 3:4

“… rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

Recently, a dear friend forwarded a prayer request from a deeply distressed daughter for her mother who was facing serious medical issues. In the message she mentioned that her father was giving loving care to his precious wife of many years. This daughter said that her dad still thought his wife was the most beautiful woman in the world, regardless of her age and physical condition.

As I read those words I thought back to the last days of my wife, Joyce. Her frail little body required much attention. She could hardly move and her mind had difficulty staying focussed. In spite of all that, she was to me the most beautiful woman in the world.

Why was that? It was the inner beauty that Jesus had given her. Joyce never was one that enjoyed the spotlight. She was shy by nature, but her gentle and quiet spirit cared about people and she ministered in her own quiet way.

Many flashy female movie stars make themselves up to look glamorous, but in a short time that outer façade wears off and they lose their appeal. Godly women get more beautiful each year. Ladies, be such a beauty.  (MEN AS WELL!)

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil