John 9:24
A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. “Give glory to God by telling the truth,” they said. “We know this man is a sinner.” He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
I just read a fascinating article from the International Business Times. The article concerns paralympic silver medalist Monique Vander Vorst. She has been paralyzed from the hip down since she was 13. Recently her wheelchair was stuck by a bicycle as she was training.
Instead of it being a tragedy, it has turned out to be a blessing. After the accident, Monique began to notice feeling in her legs. Soon she was able to walk after a period of 14 years. Think about it! The medical community has been in a quandary about the situation. They doubt that such an accident could restore the use of her legs. But now she can walk!
As we read today’s Scripture we come in on the tail end of one of the miracles that Jesus performed. He had restored the eyesight of a man that was born blind. The religious leaders were enraged because the man had been healed on the Sabbath. (What better day for healing to occur?) They questioned the man’s parents and confirmed that the man was indeed born blind.
Instead of rejoicing that a great miracle had taken place, they interrogated that man and called Jesus a terrible sinner for healing on the Sabbath. They hurled insults at him and threw him out of the Temple. Some people in that day, as in our day, refuse to acknowledge the power to open sin-blinded eyes and change lives.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
—Pastor Cecil
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