Deuteronomy 18:18

The LORD detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy.

A pastor friend of mine was one of the most open and transparent men I have ever known. He once shared with some of us about an incident that had happened years before. He been invited to be the main speaker at a meeting held on conference grounds. He had traveled for several hours and it was the middle of the afternoon when he arrived.

He walked across the grounds from his quarters to the dining room to get a cup of coffee. As he walked in the dining room he was met by a somewhat hostile kitchen staff member who told him very rudely that the cafeteria was not open and to please leave. He told her that he only wanted a cup of coffee but she rushed him out the door.

When someone told her that she had just been rude to the speaker of the meetings she was appalled at her conduct. She rushed across the campgrounds and knocked on his door. She asked for his forgiveness and assured him that he was welcomed to return for his coffee. He thanked her but said that he really didn’t care for any.

After she left the Lord began to deal with him. He had really wanted the coffee and to tell her that he didn’t was a lie. He rushed back to the kitchen and asked the woman for forgiveness and that he would really enjoy that cup. His willingness to confess his sin bonded the two of them together.

All too often we find ourselves guilty of this type of lie, yet fail to confess it as a sin. May God reveal our sinful self and may we be free to confess.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil
(360) 570-0074

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