Nehemiah 7:2

“I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men do.”

My dad was a man of integrity! When he gave his word he would follow through, regardless of the cost. There were times when people took advantage of Dad, but I never saw him retaliate in any way―his walk with the Lord matched his testimony.

One event stands out in my mind that exemplifies his integrity. The church was raising money for stained glass windows. In making his pledge, Dad made a mistake. As I recall, he intended to give $300, but instead he marked the box for $3,000. He was retired and the pledge seemed to be beyond his reach.

What did he do? He prayed and asked the Lord to provide the opportunity to earn enough to pay his pledge. Not only that, he worked many long and hard hours. Each dollar he earned was sent to the church to satisfy his pledge.

The Hebrew word for integrity is ’emeth. Here are a few words that define integrity: firmness, faithfulness, truth, sureness, reliability, stability, continuance, faithfulness, reliability truth. As I read those words I see my dad. In today’s Scripture we read that the commander of the citadel was a man of integrity. Wouldn’t it be great to have political leaders of integrity? Wouldn’t it be great to have spiritual leaders of integrity!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil
