Isaiah 55:11

So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

At times I stand amazed in the presence of the Lord. That was the case earlier today. You see, I conducted a funeral service that was perhaps the most difficult one I had ever conducted, and I have officiated at several hundred in my ministry.

I had prayed fervently for the correct words and the right spirit in order to bring comfort to the family and to challenge them about their eternal destiny. I was ready to enter the chapel when I saw three people staggering through the door. It was evident that they were plastered. No, they were not construction workers, they were drunk. As soon as they entered they began to talk in loud voices with no attempt to show any sort of respect.

To top it off they walked to the front row and continued their boisterous actions. I later discovered that one of them was the son of the deceased. My prayers were doubled as I tried to bring the truth of God’s Word. I have to confess that I felt a total failure at the end. I had prayed and given my best, but I felt empty.

Later in the afternoon I received a call from the husband of the lady who had died. He started out by apologizing for the actions of his son, but then he said that the words I spoke brought comfort to those who looked beyond the boisterousness.

It reminds me once again that we are never responsible for the responses. We are only called to be faithful and true to God and His Word. When we plant the seed, He does the rest. Thank you Lord!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil