Matthew 20:34

So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.

When I was stationed in Louisiana with the U.S. Air Force we had a near tragic accident involving our daughter Lori. She was playing with several neighbor kids when one of the boys shot a homemade arrow that struck Lori’s eye. A trip to the emergency room confirmed that it was an injury that could cause her to lose sight in that eye.

Following what treatment they could give her in the emergency room, she was sent home and we were told to make sure she remained quiet with a cool cloth over her eye. After a few days we were to return to see just how much permanent damage had been done.

We made a bed on the living room couch for Lori and had soothing Christian music playing (not today’s bing-bang-bong stuff).   I am not sure if it was hours or possibly a day later that Lori asked, “Mom, did you touch me?” When Joyce told Lori that she was sitting on the other side of the room reading, Lori said, “But Mom, someone just touched my eye.” A return visit to the doctor revealed that the damaged eye was restored.

What are the hurts in your life that need the touch of the Master’s hand? It may or may not be a physical thing. It may be something that you have not revealed to another person. God’s special touch may be the touch that enables you to endure the thorn in your flesh to affirm that God’s grace is sufficient. Touch me, Lord!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil