1 Peter 5:14

“Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.”

Last Friday I was walking down the hallway of a local establishment and saw a man named Tom walking toward me. I smiled and said, “Hi Tom!” A voice behind him said, “Hi Cecil!” It was then I realized that both of them were named Tom. It reminded me of an incident that occurred when I served as an associate pastor of a large church.

Joyce and I had stopped by the church tape room to pick up a recording of the previous service. The tape room was at one end of a long hallway. At the far end was an entrance that a few people used to enter the church. One of the greeters was at the door that day was a good friend of ours.

Let me just say that Joyce is far more reserved than I am. That is a gross understatement. If I think it I usually say it and often wish I had remained silent. On this Sunday Joyce saw Bob and waved an exaggerated wave and gave a loud HELLO! What happened next was fantastic! Two little ladies were walking down the hall toward us and when Joyce waved and shouted an exaggerated, “HELLO!” The two ladies felt she was greeting them. They lit up like spotlights and mimicked her greeting.

It made me realize that there are many people around us, young and old, who feel that they are alone and nobody cares about them. I for one want to go out of my way to reach out to lonely hearts with a sincere and friendly greeting. It just very well could be the most spiritual thing I can do. Will you join me?

Blessings dear hearts. Greet one another as unto the Lord, and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil