Galatians 6:7
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
When I was a County Juvenile Probation Officer, I often accompanied one of the Deputy Sheriffs on patrol or when they had a particular assignment. One of these duties had a direct bearing on my area of responsibility since it involved a young man who had been committed to the State Juvenile Center and from there to the State Mental Hospital.
Both of these institutions were on the other side of the state which entailed a drive of about five hours each way. We were almost to the Mental Hospital when we were stopped by a road construction crew. The flagger seemed interested in talking to us since we were in a marked police vehicle.
We had been stopped for about five minutes when another car approached. The flagman waved his stop sign, but the car plowed into the back of our vehicle propelling us about twenty feet. Fortunately, the deputy had the vehicle in “neutral” rather than “park” or we may have suffered injuries.
The driver of the other car was extremely intoxicated and began to scream at the top of her lungs, “He didn’t stignal! He didn’t stignal!” (Yes, that is the way she said it). She repeated this over and over, even when the local Police agency came and arrested her for drunk driving.
There are many warnings in God’s Word that people ignore to their own peril. In today’s Scripture we are reminded once again of that truth. It is like the old railroad crossing signs that clearly alerted drivers to STOP! LOOK! and LISTEN! It certainly applies in our spiritual life!
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil