Joshua 1:8

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Having the responsibility to lead a congregation of believers is an awesome task. You cannot believe the number of times I reach up to the Lord in prayer for His guidance. Early on I was aware that it was not what I said or how I said it that would make a difference for my people. It was what God said and how I made it acceptable to them.

I am sure that there have been times when more of Cecil came through than God’s Word. I hang my head in shame when I come to that realization. It makes me want to redouble my effort to get back to the basics of God’s Word as the most vital element in the life of the believer.

Many years ago I made a covenant with the Lord that I would spend at least five minutes each day reading God’s Word. It is one thing to preach to people about the necessity of spending quality time in the Bible, but I had to practice it personally. It was not very much, but it established a discipline that resulted in my spending hours reading it. I also learned to write passages on 3X5 cards and carry them with me. Even for those who are not able to memorize, this practice will put the Word into their heart.

Today’s Scripture gives a fantastic promise. When we place a priority of reading, thinking and memorizing, God says we will be prosperous and successful. If we want true spiritual meaning in our life, this is the answer. I challenge you, read The Word!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil