Jeremiah 33:6

“Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.”

It was way back in 1955 when an incident occurred that taught me a lesson about divine healing. I was serving in the Air Force as a jet mechanic in Rapid City, South Dakota. The young son of the pastor and wife of the church we attended had Down’s syndrome. We all loved Chucky and continuously prayed for his healing.

We were at a service during the summer when a healing service was conducted. The visiting minister placed his hands on Chucky’s head and prayed for God’s healing touch. It was like electricity and those of us in attendance felt that God had heard. Though we did not see immediate results, we watched carefully over the next few weeks in anticipation of a complete healing.

It was no more than a month later that Chucky died unexpectedly. We all were stunned, but none more than his grieving parents. The minister who had placed his hands on Chucky sent this message: “When we felt that God had healed little Chucky, we had no idea that He would heal him so perfectly!”

Wow! When we lost our own daughter years later, we recalled the reality of this truth. It is important to remember that physical healing in this world is always and forever just temporary. This world is not our home―we are just passing through!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil