Isaiah 49:16

See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me.” 

I do not like tattoos! Many people that I have known across the years had once been persuaded to get tattooed. As the years passed, however, things changed and they now wished they did not bear the indelible marks of their folly.

God, on the other hand, has joyously engraved our names on the palms of His hands. It is much more permanent than a mere tattoo. It is more like being gouged deep into the very fiber of His being. He knows us and loves us and has died for us.

Many times I have observed busy professionals from different disciplines suddenly realize they do not have a note pad available when the need unexpectedly arises. No problem — they quickly jot the vital information on the palm of their hand so it will not be lost.

God carries the name of His children always with Him. He never will forget about you, and in fact, goes before you to prepare the way. In the darkest hours of your night, remember that God is there. Others may leave you stranded and alone, but our God is a loving Father and He cares intimately about you.

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil