Luke 6:38
“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
I just returned from delivering a much-needed gift of money to a family that has been going through a very stressful time and have no means to buy the bare necessities. The response of love and gratitude has brightened my soul.
I have asked permission to use the following message I received from one of our subscribers who responded to last week’s Daily-E-Votional on entertaining angels unawares. Here’s their story:
“I am disabled with a severe back condition so my emailing has been curtailed a bit lately. As I read your angels unaware it jogged my memory to a time when my husband and I were first saved. We had gone to a Wednesday night service and on the way home we treated our two young teens to Carl’s Junior for some french fries. We were living on a VERY limited budget so this was a big splurge. We ordered, got our table, sat down to eat and chat about what we all had learned that evening. An older woman caught my attention (obviously what we called in the 80’s a bag lady, now a homeless soul). She was dressed very strangely. Her socks were men’s that didn’t match as were her shoes. Her clothes were layered for the cold and very ratty looking. She looked like she was 100 but was probably much younger. I overheard her telling the manager that if she could cash her check there, she could get a cup of coffee and a small burger. She was cold and hungry. I had a $5.00 bill in my wallet which was for my husband’s gas money for work for the next week, not a dime extra. I heard the Lord clearly tell me to give her the money.
After a brief argument (why I do that I don’t know because I never win), I sent my husband over with the $5.00 to order her a full meal. She did not see what direction he came from, the place was packed with people and so he startled her. When he had ordered her food, given her the change she turned and looked me dead in the eye. With a very loud voice she said, ‘Your God has seen what you have done and he is well pleased.’ I almost fainted! She walked over and told me she came in there on cold nights because they were open 24 hours. The manager had been very nice to let her sit inside. She then walked away. When we arrived home I felt bad that I had not offered her a warm place to sleep that night so I called the manager at Carl’s Junior to see if she was still there. He denied that it ever happened. He said there were no homeless people who came in to stay warm and did remember me and my family but not a conversation about food or a check. It was then that the very Scripture you quoted hit me. In giving all we had (my husband would have to walk to work) we had entertained an angel unaware.
The next thing that happened was another miracle. God replaced the $5.00 with a $20.00 bill I found in my coat pocket. I NEVER put money in pockets so I knew I had not done it. God had provided for my husband’s travel money and some extra to spare! Praise the Lord! I now try to be sensitive to those around me no matter how they look, or who they are. Not because I want to entertain angels but because I want my God to say, ‘I see what you have done and I am well pleased.'”
Just remember, dear hearts, the one you extend a helping hand toward may not be an angel, but in their mind you may be an angel to them!
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil