Isaiah 26:3

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.”

Many have asked me how I develop the Daily-E-Votionals day after day. It has been several years now and well over 2500 issues. To tell you the truth I have no idea myself. I always pray and ask the Lord to give me wisdom about what to write. The Lord seems to impress upon me that it is none of my business, just write what comes into my heart
because He has it designed for somebody.

After writing that, I must share my frustration over the past several days. For some unknown reason, I have been unable to send out my messages. I have spent hours on the phone with my Internet provider and they have been equally baffled.

In this time of frustration I have been reminded that there are many of you who are facing far more frustrating issues than not being able to send out messages. I know that God’s Word is faithful and true.

My peace of mind is not dependent upon things working as I would like. It is based upon being steadfast and trusting in the Lord. I still have no idea how this e-mail problem will be resolved, but that is not my problem-it is God’s. He knows better than the Internet provider
what is needed. I will rest in Him!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil
