Philippians 4:9

“The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”

I miss so many things about my wife, Joyce. Each Saturday morning we used to go to a favorite spot for coffee. It was a chance to reflect on what the Lord was doing in our lives. We often observed a young father who was there with his three children. The family was a delight to watch. The kids seemed to reflect the peaceful nature of their dad.

In today’s Scripture, Paul lays himself out as a living example. He asks the church to use his life as an example of living for the Lord Jesus Christ. It was certainly not from an attitude of pride, but a confidence that his faith would never waiver.

Paul names four actions for the believers at Philippi to emulate: Learnreceivehear and see. These might also be taken in reverse order. They would have seen his life and actions before they heard his message. Having seen the way Paul lived, they were open to hear his words.

The same is true for us as well. People will see what we do before they hear what we say. You may recall the old saying: “Your actions speak so loud, I can’t hear your words!” What are people seeing and hearing in your life? We can only live and speak it. Having done our part, we pray for fruit from our labors.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil