John 21:17
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.”
We have a cute little Chihuahua dog living next door. Her name is Felicity, but her nickname is Fleecy. Kitty, her owner, started calling her Fleecy shortly after purchasing her. You see, Fleecy has a problem with a back leg and Kitty was misled about the condition. Kitty felt that she had been fleeced, thus the name.
Fleecy was very nervous and suspicious for many months. One day when I was making my rounds in the Dollar Tree, I happened to notice a box of doggie treats. For one dollar I couldn’t go wrong. As a matter of fact I went right! Fleecy loved each small bone shaped treat. Other dogs in the neighborhood did as well. Even those who had snooty appetites loved to receive a treat.
Fleecy is different. Our houses are located in such a way that our kitchen window faces Kitty’s front door. When her front door is open, Fleecy keeps a sharp eye and ear out for any activity on our side. If I open the garage door, she moans and whimpers for Kitty to let her out. I cannot believe how fast that little girl can run, bad leg and all. I have her sit before giving her the treat and away she goes. I feel greatly loved by that little character and delight in making her happy.
The Lord also delights in giving gifts to His children. We can run to Him with the limps from our wounded life and He is standing there eager to give us the spiritual food that will satisfy our soul. Not only that, the Lord calls us to feed His flock. I love to feed Fleecy, but I am ecstatic about feeding the people of God.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
—Pastor Cecil