Revelation 2:4-5

Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.

The commercial turmoil of the season has been in full swing for weeks and months now. While Christmas Day 2012 has come and gone, there is much hectic furor still to be found as people rush to stores in order to return items that were too small, too large, too garishly loud, too blah, too – – – you get the picture.

There has been a slight increase of interest in things spiritual these last few weeks as people sang Christmas carols, attended Christmas pageants and watched programs on television that emphasized the birth of the Savior of the world. The problem is that all too quickly most have lost their interest.

In the Scripture for today, the Lord reveals to the Apostle John a letter to the church in Ephesus. This was a dynamic church that was complemented for their labor, patience, abhorrence of evil deed doers, and false teachers. But there was something lacking—they had lost their first love.

It is possible for us to have activities that are spiritual in nature and have wonderful intentions, but lack the love that first existed when we were new Christians. Now is the time for us to perform an evaluation of our walk with the Lord to determine if He would find that we still possessed the first love for Him. I pray that we will be found worthy of His name.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil

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