Luke 22:45-46

When He rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, He found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. “Why are you sleeping?” He asked them. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

For several years I served on a pastoral staff with a most delightful individual, Vernon Wilcox. He was the most dignified of all of the other staff members and delighted that for the first time in his life, he was given a nickname—Rocky. I cannot recall why that name was given to him, but he would always smile with delight when the name was used.

Rocky once shared an embarrassing incident in his life. He was attending a service at a camp ground where the auditorium was attached to the kitchen area. The speaker for the morning session was rather long-winded and the lunch being prepared filled the auditorium with fragrant smells. Unfortunately Rocky had nodded off during the message. He suddenly heard his name called to pray. Instead of pronouncing the benediction for the service, he prayed a blessing on the food they were about to eat. It was evident to everyone that he had made an error.

All too often God’s disciples allow their eyelids to become heavy and we slip into a drowsy haze rather than being awake and alert to hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us. If ever there was a time for God’s people to be alert and awake, it is the day in which we live. But sad to say, there is probably more lethargy now than ever before.

It is my fervent prayer that we will discipline ourselves to remain awake and expectant for the Lord to reveal Himself to us. There is a lost world around us and we need to be prepared to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, even one person at a time, while there is still time remaining. Awake, O sleepers!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil
(360) 570-0074

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