Philippians 4:6-7  

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Have you heard the story about the man who asked a friend how he was doing? The friend replied, “Pretty good, under the circumstances.” The man then asked his friend, “Well, what are you doing under there?!”

Read the first four words of today’s Scripture once again. I wonder how often we find ourselves being anxious about the smallest details of our lives instead of turning them over to God?  It seems as if we sit as judge and jury about what is small and what is large. The Lord knows our tomorrows, and He knows the situations that we will encounter. According to this passage of Scripture, being anxious for nothing means just what it says: Quit being anxious!

So what are we to do about our stressful situations? Well, the answer is also given in this same Scripture: Encounter everything by prayer and supplication. To me that means praying before situations occur, not after. Commit your way to the Lord and allow Him to direct your path.

There is a key element involved in having victory in this area, and that is making our requests known to God. He already knows, but we need to bring our requests to Him — not in an attitude of begging, but with prayer and thanksgiving. Let Him know that you have placed him on the throne of your life and as our powerful Almighty King, He can do what no one else can do.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil