Romans 12:10

“. . . not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”

This week I have been exploring the various aspects of “love” which are found in Romans 12:9-13. Verse 11 urges those of us seeking a deeper understanding of love to not lag in our diligence to serve the Lord.

All too often we have the best intentions, but we fail to follow through with actions. We may make commitments to serve the Lord with all of our might, but then fail to read the Bible or pray.

It reminds me of parents taking their children into a crowded city street and admonishing them to stay close. Inevitably there is one child who lags behind and must be admonished to stay close or risk being lost.

are to have such a fervency of spirit that our primary objective is to serve the Lord with all of our heart in order to please Him. That brings me to consider this question: Am I living my life in such a manner that I have a fervent spirit in serving the Lord? Please turn that question in your own direction. Are you serving the Lord with a fervent spirit or are you lagging behind?

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil