James 4:14

“ – – whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”

As you walk out the front door of the chapel where we conduct our Sunday services you see a WalMart store just across the street. For the past thirteen years we have met at this same location and thought nothing of it.

That all changed at about 5 pm Sunday.  A man began shooting in the parking lot and attempted to hijack a motorist. An armed citizen used deadly force and the offender was killed. All of this happened just yards from where we had worshipped only six hours earlier. We never know what will happen do we?

As I have thought about this I have concluded that it does not matter what I know or don’t know will happen in this life — it is what I KNOW is going to happen when I leave this life that matters. Praise God I know where I am going!

I have no idea when I will be leaving this world or even by what means I will be making my departure, but I certainly know my ultimate destination! My desire is to insure that as many as possible will hear the good news that we can know where we will spend eternity. If we have been born again we will go to be with the Lord. If we refuse God’s offer of salvation, a devil’s hell awaits us. Our DESTINATION IS KNOWN!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil