1 Kings 17:13

And Elijah said to her,—Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son.

There are many jokes made about fruitcakes. One of the sayings I have heard across the years is that a fruitcake is very good, so long as you use it as a doorstop. I must admit that I tended to have that same opinion for many years.

My view of the lowly fruitcake changed when I was stationed with the US Air Force in St. Anthony, Newfoundland. I had not been there very long when I was invited to a home of one of the warm-hearted residents. I was served, of all things- – -fruitcake! But there was a huge difference. This fruitcake had been frosted with a delicious butter frosting. Wow! What a difference. I was now a fan of the former doorstop.

Sometimes we have been served a gospel message that is dry and hard. It seems that there were some who enjoyed it, but for the most part it remained untouched. Then we encountered a minister or a teacher who suddenly frosted the gospel message with the sweet reality of love, joy, and peace. Suddenly we could not get enough of it.

This is where each of us enters the scene. I think it is vital for us to spend enough time in God’s Word to discover how to make it alive and appealing to those we share our faith with. Being excited about what we discover in the Bible is the frosting on the cake. Please, whatever you do, do not make God’s Word a doorstop!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil