1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.

I want to share with you that in the past few days I have been forced to compromise. While this is a confession, it deserves an explanation. No, I have not, nor will I ever compromise the essential tenets of the faith or my walk with the Lord, but it has to do with the creation of the Daily-E-Votional.

It seems like I have been fighting a battle for the past several years that I simply cannot win. It has to do with the creation of the text that I send to our Internet Service Provider, ReachONE Internet. They have been a tremendous blessing to this ministry for well over ten years now.

The problem has to do with certain punctuation marks. Quotations marks, apostrophes, and some symbols appear to some of the recipients as garbled symbols. Try as we might the problem remains. As a last resort I have determined to phrase things in such a manner that these offending symbols will not be used. That is where I have made the compromise.

Sadly there are far too many believers who compromise in the critical area of their walk with the Lord. Things of the spiritual realm that once were a vital part of their walk have been compromised to point that they no longer exist. If you have been compromising in this manner, I urge you to confess your sin and return to God.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil