Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

It was a cold and snowy night in the Black Hills of South Dakota in early winter of 1953. Joyce and I were on our way to my first duty assignment at Rapid City. Soon after dark our car slid off the icy road and into a ditch. We were stuck!

We were a few miles from Keystone, S.D., and had noticed a house about halfway to the small town. We had a pet parakeet in a cage, so we covered him as best we could and started walking back in search of some sort of civilization. Thankfully the lights were on in the house, and we were hopeful they were congenial and would invite us to COME ON IN!

It was a blessing to be welcomed into their home, and they agreed to keep our pet for us while we went for a tow truck to pull us out. The tow driver said the road was too slick for him as well and that we would have to wait until morning. We spent a comfortable night in a hotel and the next day we collected our bird, left a bundle of money for the tow truck and went our merry way.

Without Jesus in our hearts we are like stranded motorists who find themselves in unfamiliar territory stuck in the deep ditches of life. Our choices are to remain stuck in our predicament or to come to the Lord for His welcoming embrace. What comfort to know that regardless of how dark our night or deep our ditch, He is always there to welcome us into His fold. COME ON IN!

Blessings, Dear Hearts, draw near to God today, trust Him completely, and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil

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