Luke 2:10-11

“Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’”

I want to send out special Christmas greetings to all of you, my dear friends and faithful subscribers. God has been very near this year, and I thank Him for health and the ability to minister to thousands around the world.

This is the second Christmas since my precious wife Joyce departed this old sin-sick world and entered that place of eternal bliss. Words cannot express the loss I feel, but knowing what she is experiencing right now only makes me long to be with her even more.

This past summer I was blessed to have my two children, Dan (wife Donna) and Lori with me. Also my grandchildren, Zane (wife Anya), Seth (wife Anna), Jenna (husband Brandon), Jeremiah (wife Madi), Jeffrey (wife Elizabeth), Janelle (husband Adam), and Melinda (fiancé Tyson). Added to that list were eight great-grandchildren.

Many of you have never met me personally, but have adopted me as your on-line pastor and friend. God has given me the strength to continue serving into my 83rd year of life. I have no idea how long the Lord will enable me to continue ministering to you in this format, but I count it among my richest blessings.

Since September 2000 I have sent out over 4,000 editions of the Daily-E-Votional. What started out with only a few subscribers has grown to many thousands around the world.

God has also granted me the blessing of offering a daily Bible reading that covers the entire Bible in one year along with audio for people to listen as I read both the Daily-E-Votional and the One Year Bible Reading. In the past few months I am also recording a short message each week.

The Tumwater Chapel of Grace is a small family congregation where I serve as pastor. It is designed to minister to folks who do not feel comfortable in more traditional church settings. We meet at the Mills and Mills Funeral Home — I like to say that people are dying to come to our services. (Even with my special sense of humor, I have to admit that’s bad)!

I want to encourage each of you to take time during these last few days before Christmas to rejoice that God sent His own dear Son as the promised Messiah. He came as a tiny babe in a manger, but freely gave His life on a cruel cross to provide salvation through His shed blood.

Blessings dear hearts! Draw near to God this Christmas season, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil