Mark 4:22-23

“For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”

Some of you receive the Daily-E-Votional with no conflict in formatting. However, there are others of you who experience a disturbing display. When I use quotation marks or a few other types of punctuation, they are converted to weird types of symbols such as; @&*#quot,- – – or whatever.

Some of you have written to ask why they are there. The answer is that I simply do not know. I send it out in the correct manner, but it is received in this crazy mixed up scramble. (I am still trying to resolve the problem, so those of you who are experiencing this issue, please bear with me). I will just keep on sending it out as best I can until the problem is resolved.

That reminds me that there are some people who hear the gospel message and to them it sounds like just so much gobbledy-gook. It is not until the Holy Spirit gives them the spiritual discernment to hear the truth that they are open to the message that brings eternal life.

The thought that comes to my mind is that as believers we may have our words misunderstood. The lost may hear just so much nonsense. Instead of becoming discouraged, we need to trust in the Lord to remove the confusion in their heart and allow them to accept the truth that will save.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil



Mark 14:18-19

While they were reclining at the table eating, He said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray Me—one who is eating with Me.” They were saddened, and one by one they said to Him, “Surely you don’t mean me?”

I noticed that someone’s shoes were leaving black marks on the floor. I must confess that I was a little agitated that they had not been more careful, or at least have taken the time to clean up the marks they had made. Almost at once I glanced down and realized that the new shoes I had just purchased were the ones making the marks. I am so glad I had not accused others in the family of this terrible crime. I was the offender!

Stop for a moment and consider the times in your own life when you were so preoccupied with blaming someone else that you failed to see that you were the one who was the greatest offender. It is so easy to see the faults of others, but so hard to see the same faults in ourselves.

Thankfully the Lord does not call us to be perfect. That is impossible! He wants us to be willing to admit our faults and allow Him to do His work in us and through us. As long as we are focused upon seeing the faults of others while turning a blind eye to our own short-comings, we shut the Lord out of our life.

My own desire is to keep my eyes open to areas that the Lord desires to change. By my own strength it is not going to happen, but when I honestly ask the question, “Is it me?” Then the Lord can begin His work in me.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil

Visit www.PastorCecil.com



Mark 4:18-19

Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

You may recognize today’s Scripture as being part of the parable Jesus told of the farmer who cast out seed. The problem was that some of the seed fell into areas that prevented growth. In these two verses Jesus relates how seed thrown among thorns prevents it from producing a crop.

It reminds me of the second trip Joyce and I took to Hawaii. A Christian businessman had built a beautiful retreat on the Island of Maui for Pastors and wives to spend two weeks virtually free. That was a price we could afford!

Our first trip was fantastic with no problems. The second trip resulted in somewhat of a challenge. If you do not know what a gecko is, it is a small nocturnal lizard that makes itself at home outside or inside the house. They have the remarkable ability to climb walls or walk across the ceiling with no problem.

The gecko’s ability to grip onto a smooth surface at ease might have been fascinating to me, but it did not interest Joyce one little bit. She had the heebie-jeebies all the time we were there, thanks to the resident gecko population.

You know there are geckos in our spiritual life as well. We should be enjoying a paradise of walking with the Lord in victory and joy. Unfortunately there are things (like geckos) that interfere with our walk—worrying about this life, being deceived by the glitter of wealth or wanting what we do not have. Are there geckos in your life?

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil



Mark 12:43:44

Calling His disciples to Him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

The subject of giving to the Lord has been a hot topic for as long as I can remember. As I read today’s Scripture I see that it was just as much an issue at the time Jesus walked the dusty paths of Israel.

As a teenager I recall a typical statement, actually a question, being posed by a minister in response to whether the tithe should be paid on the gross before withholdings or on the net after all of the deduction? The reply was; “Do you want to be blessed on the net or on the gross?”

I have come to realize that it is not simply the ten percent that belongs to the Lord, but one hundred percent. Look again at this passage from Luke’s gospel. Jesus and His disciples were in the temple watching as the crowds were making their offerings into the treasury. Many rich people gave large amounts, but one poor widow threw in only a few pennies. It seemed to be nothing at all compared to the vast amounts others gave.

Jesus used this incident to teach a valuable lesson. The rich people, perhaps even those with moderate means brought significant offerings. The thing that made the difference is that this poor widow gave her all. It was not the extra, but the very means of her life.

For the next few days I would like to explore the topic of giving Jesus our all. I hope it will be a benefit for someone, even if it is only for my own personal growth.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil


Mark 1:17-18

“‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed Him.”

While served as a pastor of a church in Burns, Oregon, one of the men in our congregation invited me to go fishing with him. He said he knew of a lake that had large trout and he had always had good luck when fishing there.

We arrived at the lake and noticed three men fishing close together. It was apparent that they were together and they were also catching very large fish. When I say they were catching them, I mean that on virtually every cast they would land a fish or at least get a good strike.

We could hardly wait to get our poles out and bait up so we could catch some of those large trout for ourselves. Try as we might we never got a nibble all the time we were there. Even when we fished at the same spot they were angling, we could not entice a bite. We discovered that the men were using steelhead eggs that they had prepared from an earlier steelhead fishing trip near the Oregon coast.

Without the proper bait no one around that lake caught a single fish. In the same way we need to have the bait to reach the lost. Jesus called fishermen to leave their pursuit of fish and go after the souls of men and women. To do that, they had to have the proper bait.

Reading the Gospels we discover that the disciples had no success until the Holy Spirit came and endued them with power. The Spirit guided and directed them to just the right place, at the right time, with the right message. The result was an ingathering of souls.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil (360) 570-0074

P.S. – You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at www.Daily-E-Votional.com Please feel free to forward this E-Votional on to your family and friends.


Mark 13:30-31

“Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

Last week Joyce had dental surgery to remove a molar and wisdom teeth. My responsibility was to sit in the waiting room and drive her home when the surgery was completed. I passed the time reading a book on my Kindle Reader.

About twenty minutes into my wait, a young woman entered the office and checked in with the receptionist. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her since she was wearing tattered denims with holes in the knees and thighs.  Just kidding — since I have now been informed by our granddaughter and grandson that holes in your jeans is the modern style and to wear new ones would mark you as some sort of fashion dinosaur. (Some people think I am anyway!)

As I write this I wonder just how soon this fad will last. It is entirely possible that it has already been replaced by some other fashion trend before you even have a chance to read these words.

I am glad there are some things that never change. In spite of attacks from inside and outside the established church, the truth of God’s Word remains steadfast. The tides of opinion may ebb to and fro, but God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. There is no way we can replace the careful searching of the Scriptures to discover truth that will never change. Test all things by His precious Word!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil



P.S. – You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at www.Daily-E-Votional.com.

100 of Pastor Cecil's Select IllustrationsP.P.S. – I have completed my first book, 100 of Pastor Cecil’s Select Illustrations. The cost is $12.95 plus shipping. You can now order it online by going to https://dailyevotional.com/prior2020/book-by-pastor-cecil . . . You may want to consider this book as a thoughtful gift idea for those who do not have Internet access or as helpful sermon illustrations for your Pastor.




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