James 5:7-8

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

We are living in such an instant age that the mere mention of patience flies in the face of our way of life.  We have instant cash machines and instant check-out counters. So many things in our modern world are designed to save time, effort and energy, but they have failed!

Even with all of the short-cuts and labor saving devices at our disposal, we seem to have less time for the important things in life than ever before.  Not only that, but these time and labor saving devices leave us more tired and exhausted.  By the end of the day we often walk and talk like robots.  The time-saving gadgets and gizmo’s leave us running at a break-neck pace to get from appointment to appointment.  What has happened?

The answer lies in the Word of God.  In all of our efforts we have totally failed to develop the proper discipline of patience.  We do not desire to wait or slow down for anything.  In all of our hectic, fast-paced schedules, we are so busy making things happen that we leave no room for that all important “quiet time” of waiting to see what God is going to bring into being.

Blessings dear hearts.  May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil  


James 3:6

“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.”

Monday evening I watched the latest episode of Live Rescue. Almost the entire program focused on a wildfire in San Bernardino, Calif. At the beginning the primary focus was on evacuating residents and pets that were in danger. Then the focus was in saving the homes. At all times the firefighters were committed to stop the spread of the flames. Several homes were damaged or lost, but  there were no lives or pets lost in the flames.

Fire can be either a blessing or a curse. It can provide warmth in the cold and cook food for a hungry crowd. It can also destroy when not kept under close control at all times. Most homes have fire alarms that need to be checked periodically to insure protection.

Spiritually we need to catch a spark that will ignite our zeal for the Lord and allow it to become a flame that will cause a cold heart to draw near to hear the message of hope in the cold darkness of sin. Will you ignite that spark?!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


James 4:8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

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As I write the words of this Daily-E-Votional, my mind reflects back to the memory of my precious Dad. I cherished every moment I spent with my Dad. He was an encourager and was always there to insure that I was striving to be the man God wanted me to be. He stressed that after he was gone I would hold fast to the gospel and point people in the direction of the cross. I yearn for the day when I will see my Dad once again, but even more so I yearn for the day I will meet my Savior face to face.

In the early years of the 20th Century there was an outbreak of diphtheria in the U.S. that claimed many lives. In 1903, Cleland McAfee was chaplain and choir director at Park College in Parkville, Missouri. As the epidemic swept the area, two of his nieces died from the dread disease and the others in the house were quarantined. In Cleland’s hour of grief he wrote the hymn NEAR TO THE HEART OF GOD and had the college choir sing outside the house.

If you are passing through the valley of the shadow of death right now–I know that each of us do at some time in our life–let these words bring the quiet assurance we need.

Near to the Heart of God

There is a place of quiet rest,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God.
Hold us who wait before Thee,
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where we our Savior meet,
Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God.
Hold us who wait before Thee,
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of full release,
Near to the heart of God
A place where all is joy and peace,
Near to the heart of God.

Refrain: O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God.
Hold us who wait before Thee,
Near to the heart of God.

Enjoy this week’s hymn from To access a Video of Near To The Heart of God, please go to:

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Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

— Pastor Cecil


James 1:19

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” 

It is sad that we shut our ears to the very things that we should be listening to. God makes every effort to speak to us but we fill our life with such clutter and confusion that His voice goes unheard.

A judge I once worked for delighted in telling the tale of two deaf men who appeared before a deaf judge.The plaintiff charged that the defendant owed him $100.  The defendant (not hearing) objected that he didn’t even own a dog so how could it have bitten the plaintiff. The equally deaf judge looked over the bench and called both men close.“It looks like you two boys could get together and support your poor old mother. Case closed!”

I cannot begin to count the marital counseling sessions I have had to deal with where one or both of the partners would not keep silent long enough to hear what the other was saying. I have resorted to requiring the offender to not say one single word or I will end the session.

Sometimes when we remain silent we will be able to hear what other people are saying to us. Are we speaking or listening?

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


James 3:13

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.” 

I once heard a professor illustrate walking the talk by describing a scene in which a father was instructing his children on the importance of always telling the truth. He quoted from Proverbs 14:5; “A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies.”

There was a knock at the door and the father went to answer it. What he told the man at the door was not the truth. After the man left the father returned to his instruction. He recited; “A faithful witness does not lie.”  He then asked his son to complete the verse. The boy remarked; “No dad, but it sure helps to get rid of  people at the door.”

That father had taught more by his actions than by his words. That hits pretty close to home doesn’t it? How many times do our actions speak louder than our words? What do people observe in our actions that negate the message we want them to hear? Does our walk match our talk?

People will most often forget the things we say, but they will most often remember the things we do. This can either be godly actions or questionable actions. I want my life to be remembered for an honest walk with the Lord.

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


James 1:23

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror.” 

I have reached the stage of my life when it is distressing to look into a mirror. I see the reflection of an old man staring back at me. How could this aging have taken place? The answer is one day at a time!

Along the hallway I am able to view photographs of parents and grandparents on both sides of the family. It comes as a shock to realize that I am now older than some of them when they went to be with the Lord. Wow! That is shocking!

Getting older is not something that should be unexpected, but should be accepted and dealt with in meaningful manner. The fact of the matter is that none of us are getting younger. Rather than lamenting about where the years have gone, we need to ask ourselves how we are going to best serve the Lord in the time we have left.

In today’s Scripture James uses an illustration of a mirror.  As I read this passage for the umpteenth time, I suddenly saw something I had never seen before. It is only as we look into God’s mirror that we see ourselves as God sees us. I want to tell you that God is near and knows what we need even before we need it. What is the most shocking is that we look too much at our own limitations instead at His great provisions. I want my remaining days to count for the Lord!

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil