by Pastor Cecil | Feb 1, 2018 | Ephesians
Ephesians 4:3
“Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
I am scared to death about some of the things I see happening in our society. It scares me because it demonstrates how rapidly our world is being molded into a global community and a one-world religion that accepts anything and everything except the inerrant, infallible, and indisputable Word of God.
Some people have equated the challenge to keep the unity as a green light to accept any belief system. God is very clear that it is His way and not our way that is the only basis for true unity.
When we were kids we would take three separate scripture texts and create a new one. You might call it the “Devised Version.” Here is one that we “devised”: Judas went out and hung himself. Go thou and do likewise. And what thou doest, do quickly! Silly actions of teenagers, but all too often the same practice is still used by supposedly wise people to achieve their own selfish goals.
God is not so much interested in our unity as He is in our obedience to His Word. Seek unity and peace, but make sure it is the unity and peace that comes from the throne of God. He will go before you and prepare the path that you will be walking. THEN, be sure to share with others in similar need what you have experienced in God’s love and nearness.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Dec 13, 2017 | Ephesians
Ephesians 5:33
“Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”
When I served as an officer in the Air Force, I shared an office with a Major who had once been assigned to the Pentagon. It was the custom for the lowest-ranking service member in the office to get coffee for all of the others. My friend related that one day as he stood in line to get coffee for his office he found himself standing next to a full Colonel, the rank just below General.
My friend commented to the Colonel that he understood that it was the task of the lowest-ranking member of each office to go for the coffee. The Colonel responded, “That is correct and I am!” (Now that was an important office!)
Just because the Colonel was out-ranked by others in his office, it did not diminish from his importance. In like manner, the wife is just as important in the home as the husband — she just occupies a different position.
In serving as the Godly woman in the home, the wife must heed the admonition of Scripture to honor and respect her husband. That entails paying attention when he gives himself sacrificially to meet her needs. All too often it is easy to take for granted when another gives sacrificially for us. That should never be!
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Dec 12, 2017 | Ephesians
Ephesians 5:25
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”
What determines a life of success? For some it may be achieving great prominence or a lofty promotion. I once experienced a little taste of that kind of success when I was elected Student Body President in high school. (Okay, it was a very small high school.)
As a youngster I was blessed to receive words of praise from both my grandfather and my father; they always let me know that they were proud of me. I have also received words of love and devotion from each of my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
The words that struck closest to my heart were some of the final words my precious wife of 62 years spoke before going to be with the Lord. With tears in her eyes, she reached out her frail hand to softly touch mine and said, “Honey, you are love personified!”
Husbands, fathers, all of you men who read this, I beg you to stop trying to be a rock in the garden of life and become fertilizer. Die to yourself in order that your life can become the source of growth in others. Give until it hurts and then give even more. Become love personified!
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Nov 14, 2017 | Ephesians
Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
Do you think you can be good enough to make it into heaven? Do you think that your good deeds need to outnumber your bad deeds to make it into heaven? What does the Bible say about being made right with God?
I am glad to supply the answer. Actually, today’s Scripture supplies the answer. It is more important to read what the Bible says about the matter rather than rely on the supposition of our human reasoning.
Isn’t it great that God has done for us what we could never do for ourselves?! God did it by sending His precious Son, Jesus, to provide eternal life through His shed blood on the cross.
If you have lived your life under the false assumption that you merit heaven by being good enough — think again! I invite you to pray this prayer right now. “Lord Jesus, I come to you as a lost sinner. I can never be good enough to earn entry into Your heaven. I invite You to come into my heart and make me Your child. I want to live for You and serve You. I pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen!
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Oct 18, 2017 | Ephesians
Ephesians 6:13
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
I can remember when our children first were able to stand on their own. It was usually after they had been holding onto a chair or with my wife or I holding them. Almost without them realizing what was happening they were standing on their own. As we applauded for them they usually dropped down, but had a grin.
There comes times in our life when we realize that we have lost our support and are standing on our own. It can be a frightening time, but it can also be a time where we realize God’s plan and purpose for our life.
It is sad that we have many believers who live their entire lives without learning to stand on their own. They are spiritual babes that fail to rise to the potential that God desires for their lives.
Take time to examine your own spiritual life. Are you like a frightened baby that is too dependent on someone else to support them? Instead it is time to let go and allowing the Lord to give you the inner motivation to stand firm and bold for Him.
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Sep 21, 2017 | Ephesians
Ephesians 5:25-26
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.”
In my years as a Christian counselor I meet many husbands that are self-centered to the extreme. The usual attitude toward their wife seems to be “What are you doing for me?” or “Don’t expect me to do things around here, that’s a wife’s job!”
I despair when a husband digs his heels in and refuses to assume the role of a husband as presented in the Word of God. They are more influenced by what other men have to say than what God has to say.
So what does God say about the role of a husband? Just read today’s Scripture and you will clearly see a precise job description. To sum it up, he is to love his wife as Jesus loved the church and died for her. Here is a quick question, Husband: Are you dying for your wife? Do you love her as much as you love your own body?
Think about the church of Jesus the Christ for a moment. Is the church perfect? No! Is the church always loveable? No! Does the church always deserve to be sacrificed for? No! Does the church need Christ’s sacrifice to purify her? Yes!
Listen, Husbands! Jesus’ life is your guideline. He is your example — not what you want or how you feel, but what He has done for us.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil