2 Timothy 3:1-5

“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

People have often asked me, “When will Jesus return to call His people to meet Him in the air?” My answer is that I do not know. One thing I do know, we are getting close. Paul begins this third chapter of 2 Timothy with a description of the “last days.” It is a common thing for people to seek to know what the signs of the last days will be.

In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples asked Him what the signs of the last days would be? This question was asked in verse four of Matthew 24. Many people have jumped down to verse 36 where Jesus indicated that no one knows the day or hour, and they thus conclude that we have no way of knowing what the signs will be. PARDON ME! There are 32 verses between the question the disciples ask about the signs and Jesus mentioning that no one knows the day or hour.

In those 32 verses Jesus described the end times. In verse 42 of Matthew 24 he told them (as well as us) to keep watch. Jesus also told them that the last days would be similar to the days of Noah before the flood. Now think about this. Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives, were the only humans spared from the flood. These eight people knew that the ark had to be completed, and the animals loaded before the conditions were right for the flood. We too can look for the right conditions.

By the way, let’s consider Jesus’ statement, “No one knows the day or hour.” Can you remember back to 1999? There was great concern that there would be chaos with computers moving from the 20th century to the 21st century. I can recall the New Year’s Eve of 1999. Reports came in from the areas on the other side of the International Date Line. Here on the Pacific Coast we were one of the last areas to move into the 21st century. It was very evident to all of us at that time that there are always different days and hours on this planet at the same moment of time.

In today’s Scripture the Apostle Paul paints a graphic picture of the people living in the last days. As we read his description of the last days, it very accurately describes many people in our present day society. They are filled with violence, anger, lack of respect and the obsessive pride. Very close to what he described.

Look what Paul says about how we are to respond to such people: “Have nothing to do with them.” This does not mean that we are to go to some mountain top and live as a hermit. Neither does it mean to become mean spirited and holier than thou. What Paul is saying is that we are not to become contaminated by the world.

We do that by refusing to expose ourselves to the music, talk, life styles, philosophy or behavior of these people. How do we live and exist above it? Use the Word of God as our foundation. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. In verse 9 the Psalmist asks a question: “How can a young man keep his way pure?” He answers in verse 10: “I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands.”

He then gives this great bit of pure gold in verse 11: “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” What a valuable lesson. Memorize the Word of God! When was the last time you set a passage from God’s Word to memory? Feeling guilty? Try it today and see what a blessing it will be to you in keeping you free from the contamination of these last days.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil


John 16:29-30

“Then Jesus’ disciples said, ‘Now You are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. Now we can see that You know all things and that You do not even need to have anyone ask You questions. This makes us believe that You came from God.’ “

I think I have explained that I try to send out the Daily E-Votionals in the early afternoon Pacific Time. That is because some of the readers are in parts of the world that are many hours ahead of us. I want to share that some of Jesus’ disciples struggled to become strong in the faith.

In the seventeenth chapter of John, Jesus begins His prayer by glorifying His Father in heaven and speaking of the things that have been fulfilled through Him, and that the time of His departure and return to be once more with His Father was very near. He then begins to pray for His disciples. Note what He has to say in John 17:6-8: “I have revealed You to those whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me and they obeyed Your Word. Now they know that everything You have given Me comes from You. For I gave them the Words You gave Me and they accepted them.”

As I meditate on those words, I try to imagine that group of twelve disciples who behaved in very much the same way as we do today. Two steps forward and one step back. It makes you wonder how the Lord could have any confidence in them to found the church. Little by little, they began to demonstrate faith in Him.

Faith is always a choice. If we believers had to have things proven to us before we chose to believe, it would not be faith, but a rational action. Real faith requires us to step into the unknown and believe in Jesus because of what we read in His Word, not as a result of what we rationalize.

I just heard Ken Ham, on his program, “Answers In Genesis”, make an interesting observation. He noted that there have been so many discoveries refuting the theory of evolution, that many modern scientists have been forced to theorize that our earth was developed by some intelligent source outside our world. They are willing to believe that little green men in space ships caused it, but reject the reality that a powerful God spoke our world into being.

If we as believers must have things proven to us before we choose to believe, it is not faith, but the result of our rational action. True faith demands that we walk by faith because of what we read in God’s Word. God says it—I believe it—that’s good enough for me.

As disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to come to the place in our spiritual life where we quit the impossible task of trying to figure things out. The Lord knows our present situation as well as what lies ahead for us. One of our biggest problems is that we spend too much time looking at our personal situation instead of looking to the One who is able to control our situations.

Mark chapter nine records an incident in which a man brought his son to Jesus. The son was possessed by an evil spirit. From a human view point, there was no hope for the boy. But the father knew if he brought his son to the Master, he would be healed.

Jesus told the father that everything was possible for him who believes. Watch the words of the father as he responds to Jesus. Mark. 9:24; “Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me to overcome my unbelief.’ ”

We are told that Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and it left the boy. Jesus’ healing took place right after the confession of the boy’s father. We can paraphrase it as: “Lord I believe a little bit, but I need you to give me the power to believe totally.”

What is the impossible thing in your life that dominates your life? Let me tell you that you have three choices: 1. You can try to solve the problem with your own abilities and continue with the conflict you now are experiencing; 2. You can place it in the hands of the Lord, but still keep your focus on the impossible situation; or, 3. You can place it in His hands and then keep your eyes on Him. The choice is yours. I trust and pray that you make the third choice and that it will be your final answer!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil


James 1:2-3

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

Some comic character once said, “The hurrier I go the behinder I get!” Do you ever feel that way? Like it or not, there are times when we feel like throwing in the towel. It seems like the harder we try, the less we accomplish. That is true in all areas of our life.

The problem is that we focus our attention on what we feel like doing instead of doing what God’s Word says we should do. Doing things our own way, in our own strength and for our own motives will inevitably result in failure and disappointment.

I have been thinking about the word, “perseverance” as it relates to my own life and ministry. It is one thing to study, pray and write these Daily-E-Votionals five times each week. In a way that is the fun part of my ministry.

The perseverance is trying to keep from being overwhelmed by messages. On a typical day I receive several hundred e-mail messages. Many of them do not require a response or if they do, I leave them until I have the time to respond. The problem is that my backlog grows to the point that it requires perseverance to work on clearing it to a workable level.

From time to time I discover that perseverance has unexpected rewards. Several years ago we were in Idaho for a visit. While we were there I was invited to attend an early morning Men’s Bible Study.

I had started this particular Bible Study over thirty years ago. A few of the men from the original group were still there, but for the most part it was a completely new group. Someone mentioned that the group had expanded from our original group of about 20 men and now more than doubled in size.

I recalled some of those cold early morning hours when it would have been easier to remain curled up in my nice warm bed, but here was the reward of perseverance. Staying with a calling will produce benefits beyond our view.

As we go through this life, the things that the Lord leads us to originate may continue long after we are out of the picture. It does not matter whether we see the results or not. I had the joy of seeing results that have lasted for over a quarter of a century. But even if I had not been able to see it, that group of men still continued on what had started with just a group of three or four men.

I urge you to commit yourselves to set your course with a new resolution to study God’s Word and then to put it into practice. Learn a little and do what it says. Then learn a little more and do that too. Then learn a little more and so on and so on. Here is a good definition of perseverance: Here a little and there a little and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil


2 Timothy 3:1-5

“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

I am sad and grieved at the reports of moral failure on the part of many modern day Christians, even pastors and leaders of large ministries. We have more tell than show in the way we live out our Christian faith. SORRY! I hate to upset the apple cart of these people, but it is suppose to be Show before we Tell.

We hear all too much and see so very little. Some people say they are being Godly, but it is accurate to say that they are just being nasty. Listen! If someone talks about being godly, yet violates the pattern of godliness in Scripture, do not consider them a role model. In fact we should actively seek out role models that put the Word of God into practice.

Several times I have received a meaningful illustration that has circulated the Internet. It seems that a new pastor came to town and was trying to get acquainted. He decided to use a city bus to simply make the round of the city. As he got on the bus, he gave the driver cash and received his change back from the driver.

When he was seated he started to put his change away. As he looked over the money the driver had returned to him, he noticed that the driver had returned too much change. He tried to rationalize that it was just a small amount and that the bus system would not miss that small amount, but he knew that he had to return it.

As he was leaving the bus he stopped and told the driver that he had made a mistake and had given him too much change. As the driver took the money he said, “You’re the new minister who just arrived in town, aren’t you?” The minister nodded. The driver smiled broadly. “I will see you in church, I like what I have seen.”

(Just a little parenthesis here. Several of those who receive this Daily-E-Votional have been appointed as ministers of the Gospel. As such, we must be the living reality of a godly walk at all times. That means being pure and righteous in all of our actions and having the attitude of Christ. Not thinking of ourselves too highly, but rather considering ourselves as servants of all.)

Now that I have put all of the ministers as well as myself on a guilt trip, let me continue. Ooops! Let me be quick to add that the same instruction applies to all believers, so don’t think it is just for us who are called into active ministry. We get paid for being good and you are good for nothing! Yikes! That old joke is below me, but, I am known to say things like that.

It is sad that many feel that spiritual depth is measured by educational achievement. Someone said to me years ago that there are so many doctors in the church today you would think God was sick. That does not mean medical doctors. Some ministers with educational or honorary degrees refuse to be known by anything less than “doctor”. Shame on me for bringing this up. I want to be quick to add that there are many who have their doctorates and who live a life of humility and godliness. It is wrong to show pride and be puffed up, using education or titles, rather than their godly walk, as the foundation of their ministry.

It is possible to know about God, and have a knowledge of what it says in the Word of God, but not put it into practice. In today’s Scripture, Paul is describing for Timothy that it is necessary to look beyond what these men say and instead see what they are really like. It is usually an ugly sight.

There is an old book that I read many years ago. It is called “In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon. The theme of the book is to live ones life in such a way that the question would always be in front of those who wanted to be like Christ, “What Would Jesus Do”?

In the past few years it has become a Christian fashion statement, especially for young people to wear jewelry with the initials WWJD, which stood for this statement. How sad that many wear it but do not live it. Is it any more tragic that we who go to church and read the Bible and bow in prayer so often fail to live our lives as Jesus would desire? Please renew your commitment right now that with God’s help, you will live out WWJD.

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil


Ephesians 6:1-3

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise— ‘that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth’ Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Possibly many of you have seen pictures of one of our presidential candidates standing casually with his hands crossed while the National Anthem was being played. The others in attendance had their hands over their hearts. A show of respect on his part? No!

Another scene. The stadium crowd is on their feet with their hands over their hearts and many are singing along while the National Anthem is being played. At the end of the field two athletes laugh and talk. A show of respect on their part? No!

Another scene. An ice hockey match is about to begin. One team is from New York and the other is from Montreal. While the US National Anthem is played, the crowd stands with their hand over their hearts. Then the Canadian National Anthem is played. The crowd remains standing with their hands over their hearts. A show of respect? Yes!

Another scene. It is the year 2000 and the Olympic games are in full swing. After winning the gold medal in the pole vault event, Nick Hysong, knelt with the American flag draped over his shoulders in a silent prayer of thanks. That is honor and respect! That is what is so much lacking in our world today. That is what we need to regenerate in our conversation and teaching.

I feel the problem originally started when our judicial system began to impose its brand of morality into the educational system and threw the Biblical pattern out. From that point on we have seen this lack of respect escalate into the violence and crime that is so common place that it is almost expected.

How do we return to the proper pattern of personal discipline that will show a kindness and consideration for others? We are not able to stand and say a few words and just make it happen immediately. What can we as individuals do? Again, we must turn to the Word of God for our guidance.

Today’s Scripture does not pull any punches. It is God’s absolute demand for respect. In Ephesians 6 we see that there is personal responsibility to act with respect and honor. It makes no difference if it has been taught at home or not, the Word of God is imperative that we must honor and respect our parents. It does not give the option to choose whether they are worthy of respect – – we are to treat them with respect because it is God’s command.

It is interesting that in modern gang culture, there is a demand to be respected. Members may not show respect to others, but want to be respected. The result is violence and murder at an alarming rate. God’s Word is true. Violate it and the result is death.

Today’s Scripture lays a heavy responsibility on fathers by saying that they are to not exasperate their children, but to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. That does not mean passing the task off to someone else, but rather accepting what the Lord says and teaching their children what it means to honor and respect – – that means not permitting disrespectful attitudes to their parents or any other adult. Every father should read this chapter and put it into practice.

Even within the church we have permitted a disrespectful attitude. There is a lack of reverence and respect for the Lord. I have even heard the Lord referred to as “the Man upstairs” or other demeaning terms. This is the God of the universe that we refer to, and He is the one that one day we will bow before as we see His blazing, awesome glory. There will be no smart aleck talk at that time. We will be filled with love for Him—yes, but it will be in respectful praise and honor.

This sixth chapter also talks of the respect we should have for everyone. We are told to respect the slave as much as the master. As I write this I am struck with the realization that we start the process by doing what it says ourselves. Be respectful and share that respect with others. We teach more by example than by mere words!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil


Romans 12:1-3

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

How do you know when something is God’s will? Over the years I have been aware of the number of people who wanted something so badly that they convinced themselves that it was God’s will for them to have it. That is not always the case. Sometimes the thing that seems so pleasant is the thing that will cause us pain.

I had a telephone call today from a woman who suffered an injury several years ago. She was very upset about all of the pain—both physical and emotional—that she had endured. It was hard to know how to respond and give godly counsel for her situation.

After listening to her sobs for a few minutes, I quietly asked if she considered the effect her injury had on others around her? It could be good or bad, depending on how she reacted. It was almost as if God’s hand had reached down and touched her heart.

She then shared that she has had a large number of friends who have called or stopped by to ask her how they could deal with their own pain. They knew she was going through a real trial and she was the one they wanted to give them hope. Just before our conversation ended she asked, “Cecil, do you know how many people I have led to receive Jesus as their Savior through all of this?” I said, “No I don’t.” She replied, “Thirteen!” She hung up the phone with praising the Lord rather than a complaint about her situation.

I have no idea why this topic has come to me just now. It may be that you are faced with an issue in your life right now, or it may be that someone is asking you for advice about a particular decision. It makes no difference whether it is your own situation or trying to advise others, we need to understand that God is at work and wants us to seek guidance from Him.

Please, please – – – please, above all else, do not make any significant decisions in your life without waiting on the Lord for an answer. It is all too easy to rush ahead into things and then afterwards realize that it was one’s own desires rather than Divine leadership that brought us to the situation that was not to our advantage. Let’s just talk about ways to know and do the will of God.

1. Desire to know God’s will. One of the difficulties that often is encountered is not having the desire to know and do God’s will. That is why it is critical that the first step be to always have the desire to know God’s will.

2. Keep looking for God’s will. Consider this illustration: It seems that a man was caught in a flood and was barely able to scramble up a tree to escape from the raging waters. He began to pray to the Lord to save him. While he was praying, a huge log came floating by within easy reach, but he kept waiting for God’s answer. As he continued to pray, a man came near in a row boat and asked if he wanted to get in with him. He said no, that he was waiting for the Lord to answer his prayer. Later a helicopter hovered over him and told him to grab hold of the rope and be pulled to safety. He waved them away saying he was waiting for God’s answer. Before long, the tree, weakened by the flood, was swept away and the man drowned. When he arrived in heaven he asked the Lord why He had not answered his prayer for help? The Lord said He had sent help. He sent a log, a man in a boat and a helicopter!

3. Pray to know God’s will. It is not enough to just think about knowing God’s will, or wanting it; we must pray to discover His will. Psalm 143:10 “Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” This is an example of praying for guidance.

4. Search God’s Word to find His will. There are many times when the answer will be found in the precious Word of God. Psalm 119:105,6 “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow Your righteous laws.” Here the Psalmist is saying that God’s Word will be the guide. It cannot be our guide if we do not read it. Have it ready, search the concordance in the back and pray for insight to understand what it says.

5. Covenant to follow God’s Word. The above passage speaks of making an oath to follow the Word of God. Do that! Tell the Lord that when you find an answer in His Word, you will obey and do what He says to do.

I guess there could be more said, but let me just leave you with this observation. It has been my own experience that when I follow the above steps, God reveals Himself in wonderful ways. It may be a song we hear, a passage of His Word that just comes alive, a sermon on the radio – – – any number of things that confirm that He is interested in guiding and directing in our life. GO FOR IT!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and be a blessing.

— Pastor Cecil

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