1 Kings 15:11

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did his father David.

Al was restoring a vintage automobile with skill and devotion right down to the smallest detail. He enjoyed each and every moment that was spent in bringing the dilapidated old relic back to life.

After months of loving labor, the old car began to gleam with the beauty that had been hidden by dents, rust, and decay. Al was pleased with his project … and so was a certain collector of restored cars. When he began hinting that he was interested in purchasing the car, even throwing out an unbelievable price, Al swallowed, was tempted, but rejected the offer.

It was several weeks later when a visiting missionary spoke of the great need for help to supply bibles and study materials for schools in the area he served. As he spoke, Al felt an urge from the Lord to do something, but he knew that his bank account was barely able to meet his needs, much less give extra.

After the service he drove into his driveway and the lights of his car illuminated his prized vintage car. It was as if the Lord was showing him that he had something precious that he could give to reach the lost. In a few hours he had contacted the collector who had made the generous offer for the car. The sale was made and Al knew he had done the right thing. What we give for the Lord is nothing compared to what He has given to us!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil


1 Kings 18:21

“And Elijah came to all the people, and said, ‘How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.’ But the people answered him not a word.”

Are you fish or fowl? What do I mean by that question? I am really interested in knowing whether you have repented of your sins, trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your heart and had your name written in the Lamb’s Book of life.

There are many who know about Jesus and His saving work—even have faith that He is the Savior of the world—but have you been born again? To be born again is much more than believing about Jesus, it is inviting Him to be the Lord.

Elijah was a faithful prophet of the Lord. He had the gumption to stand up against the wicked King Ahab and the 450 prophets of Baal. He challenged the people before he challenged the prophets of Baal. He wanted to know whether they stood for God or against Him.

In Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23, we read the words of Jesus as He challenged the people of His day: “He that is not with Me is against Me.” That leaves no middle ground for a namby-pamby relationship. If Jesus required a committed relationship then, He still requires it today!

In response to Elijah’s challenge the people remained silent. Their silence answered the question. In the same way our silence to the call to come to Jesus and be born again signifies our refusal to follow.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


1 Kings 17:16

The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah.

Depending on the Lord often requires stepping out in faith. Many times I feel so inadequate to perform the multitude of tasks that stretch out before me. It is during these times that I come to realize that it is not my ability that matters, but rather my availability.

Elijah was just a man, but he was God’s man! He lived by faith that when God said something it was so. God provided for him for months by sending ravens with food morning and evening. There was even a small brook to provide water. But things would not last. God gave Elijah his marching orders.

God sent Elijah to the small town of Zarephath in Sidon. He was to go to the home of a poor widow to whom God had spoken. There were two people who had to believe God rather than the circumstances; the widow who was on the verge of starvation and Elijah who demanded to be served first.

Both Elijah and the widow believed God and acted in obedience. The result was that all during the drought they had flour and oil to provide their food. It came only as they totally depended on the faithful God. We also must live in total dependence.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil 


1 Kings 19:12

“And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”

It was over 70 years ago that an evangelist came to our church in Camas, Washington, to hold a revival. His name was Uncle Bud Robinson. There is only one story that he shared that has remained with me through the years.

Uncle Bud told of receiving a special gift of cash while holding services in another town. He was very pleased with the unexpected windfall and began to plan how he was going to use the money. At that moment, however, Uncle Bud felt the Lord impress upon him that it was not his to spend, but he was to carry it with him and give it to someone of God’s choosing.

Months later Uncle Bud was conducting services in another large city. Throughout the week he felt the Lord impressing upon him that this was the time to deliver the money to the  person intended.

It was the final night of the revival and many had come forward to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. The service ended and everyone had left the building, but the Lord had still not revealed to Uncle Bud to whom he should give the money. Now only he and the Pastor remained to straighten up the hymnals and put the sanctuary back in order.

Suddenly the door to the sanctuary swung open and the church organist came in, explaining that she had forgotten her sweater. In that split second it was as though the Lord tapped Uncle Bud on the shoulder and whispered in his ear, “She’s the one!”

Uncle Bud greeted her and said he thought she needed more than her sweater. He handed her the money that had been in his safekeeping. The young woman began to sob. She related that she lived across town and that night only had enough money for a bus ticket to the service. She planned to walk back home, which was through a dangerous part of the city, especially at night.

God had provided for her over and abundantly months in advance. She only had to have the faith to travel knowing she had no provision  to get back home. Uncle Bud only had to listen to the still, small voice of the Lord telling Him to deliver the money when directed.

I want to be that sensitive to the voice of the Lord so that I will be ready to do His will when He directs. It requires quietness and paying attention to His voice. I pledge to spend more quiet time listening and then responding when He leads.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


1 Kings 8:61

“Let your heart therefore be loyal to the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.”

I recently read about a dog that was owned by a veterinarian. This dog was a vet dog. That meant he spent most of his hours in the Veterinary Clinic and was known to greet all of the dogs that came for whatever treatment was needed.

The Vet described him as being loyal to a fault. Not only did he greet each of the dogs that came to the clinic, but he was also a blood donor. Animals do not have the luxury of blood banks, so when an emergency arises, a tube goes from a donor dog to the dog who might die without this blood transfusion.

There are many people who are much like that. They greet others in a friendly accepting manner without hesitation. They give so freely of themselves that others feel they have received a transfusion of love when they are with them.

Today’s Scripture calls each believer to be loyal to the Lord. When we are loyal to Him it means that we are always ready to give a transfusion of love to the one God brings across our path. Are you loyal?

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil


1 Kings 15:14  

“Although the pagan shrines were not removed, Asa’s heart remained faithful to the LORD throughout his life.”

How can you be faithful to the Lord without doing everything the Lord tells you to do? I wish I knew the answer to that question. An even greater question in my mind is why does the Lord bless me when there are things in my life that are not pleasing in his sight? That brings it closer to home doesn’t?!

It is so easy to be critical of others instead of looking at the faults in our own life. King Asa of Judah came to the throne following evil reigns of his grandfather and his father. He was the first king of Judah that found favor in the sight of the Lord. That means there was some mighty fine things that Asa did. But there was something missing!

There is always something missing if we fail to make a total commitment to the Lord. Yes, the Lord did bless Asa because he loved God and had done many things that were right. But there was something missing . . . Total commitment!

People looking at us may think that we are doing so many fine noble things for the Lord. But what does God say? Are we committing our way 100% to the Lord so that when we enter the gates of glory we will hear those words that will be the most precious words we can never hear; “Well done good and faithful servant!” I do not want to have anything missing in my life when I go to be with Him.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil