Galatians 6:2

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Sometimes it seems that we are carrying more load than we are able to bear. It may even seem that our load is heavier than those around us. It is hard enough to struggle with our own load, but we chafe when someone pours their load on us.

My dear friend Fred sent me this humorous story a few days ago. I think it is worthy of my sharing it for today’s E-Votional.

“My son was about 10 years old when he joined some of my family on a 5 day hike through the Cascade Mountains. Everyone, including my son, carried heavy backpacks of gear. The first day was rough so before anyone else was awake the next morning my son secretly slipped his heavy gear into some of the other’s packs and replaced it with lighter things like bread. He got away with it . . . for awhile. Until we discovered his trick and evened the loads.

So often in life we carry the weight of others unknowingly. It catches up with us and drags the life out of us. My suggestion is that if you’re going to share each other’s burdens, do it willingly and with joy. You will be blessed. And if you’re feeling down and troubled . . . check your backpack. You may be carrying a load the Lord never intended you to carry, or there may burdens He wants you to carry.”

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil