Galatians 6:14

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

We were having dinner with friends one evening when the husband began to brag about things he had accomplished. Just when we thought he was through, he would launch into another barrage. We thought the evening would never end! There is nothing as wearing as having to listen to someone boast about themselves.

Every time I read the book of Esther and come to chapter five, I am stunned that Haman called his friends and wife in order to boast of all he possessed. Can you imagine how bored they were?

Boasting is not only boring it is an affront to God. Pride is a sin and over and over the Bible condemns it. So what is the difference here? Paul is not boasting about himself and the things he has accomplished — he is boasting about Jesus.

He not only boasts about Jesus, but he focuses his boast on the cross. That says to me that in essence, Paul is saying it is only by the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross that gives us eternal life. It is not what we do that merits salvation, but what Jesus has done for us by His death and resurrection. Now that is something to boast about!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil