Romans 6:4

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

I was just reading an account of a young boy that started school back in the early west. The School marm (as she was called then) noticed that he was left-handed. She was not going to allow that in her classroom, so she tied his left arm to his side and made him use only his right hand.

I am sure that she felt she was using the best wisdom of her day in forcing him to be like all of the right-handed people, but it was a tragic method. Thank the Lord we do not live in such an atmosphere today—or do we? How many times do we force others to conform to ourselves rather than being like Jesus?

When you read the title of this E-Votional, I hope you do not get the impression that I am suggesting for you to be like me. Each of us is born in sin and it is a constant battle to be more like Christ each day. My desire is to be like Christ, and it is a personal struggle to conform to His likeness. We must urge people to be Like Jesus, rather than imitating some human being.

Take time to evaluate your own life. In what ways are you attempting those around you to be like you rather than taking their eyes off of you and instead focusing on the Savior? Point them to Jesus!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil