Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

As we observe the world around us we can become overcome or we can be an overcomer. The difference is worlds apart. If we allow the rottenness to overcome us we will increasingly withdraw from the battle of sharing the light of Jesus Christ to a sin-sick and dark world.

I never thought I would live to see the day when good is proclaimed to be evil and evil is proclaimed to be good — but it is happening! People are concerned about allowing sin to have unchallenged freedom at the expense of the unchanging Word of God.

Families and communities have been devastated by the consequences of sinful activities, but many try to silence the voice of God. It is depressing, and if we are not cautious it will cause us to allow depression to silence the truth.

In today’s Scripture we are told that we are not to allow the rottenness of sin to overcome us. That means to give ourselves an attitude adjustment. Instead of allowing ourselves to crawl in a corner and sob, we are to overcome the evil we see by doing good. That means shining bright for Jesus in thought, word, and deed! Are you being overcome by evil or are you overcoming by doing good? I challenge you to do good and become an OVERCOMER!

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil