2 Peter 1:3

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

When Michelangelo was working feverishly on the painting in the Sistine Chapel, the Pope became frustrated at how slow the work was progressing. He asked Michelangelo, “When will you make an end?”  Michelangelo replied simply, “When I am finished.”

As we travel this pathway of life there may be times when it seems that our progress is very slow. In God’s economy that is never the case. He knows when the timing is right and is working behind the scenes to accomplish His will.

Our problem is getting out of step with God. We either run way ahead and want Him to catch up with us, or we lag far behind and feel frustrated when we are not able to catch up with Him.

It is time to make a new commitment to discover God’s plan and purpose for us and then stay close to Him in order to be used to accomplish the tasks He has for us. Remember to keep the joy of the Lord in your heart. Do not be discouraged — God is not finished with you yet!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil


2 Peter 1:3

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

I wonder how many times people feel they deserve commendation for attending church services. They may be singing; “Standing On the Promises” but in actuality they are merely SITTING IN THE PREMISES!

While it is a fact that our labors for the Lord will not merit salvation and a home in Glory, they do demonstrate the degree of our obedient commitment to the Lord and His great cause.

We are called to march forth as a mighty army to live and die for the Lord. None of us know what lies before us, but praise God we do know WHO goes before us to prepare the way.

God’s promises are faithful and true and He will open doors that He wants us to go through and also will close doors that He does not want us to enter. Our task is to remain so close to Him by the study of His Word and prayer to discern the difference. Are you STANDING ON THE PROMISES OR MERELY SITTING ON THE PREMISES?!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil


Isaiah 60:19

The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory.

There has been a flurry of activity leading up to the total solar eclipse that is scheduled to occur today across much of the United States. One of the areas of total darkness will pass over the small community of Burns, Oregon.

If you are to look at a globe you will no doubt be able to find Burns which is located in the center of Oregon. Much larger cities will not be shown, but Burns is there. The reason is that there are no other towns or cities near there.

I am told that the population of small towns like Burns, Oregon, have swollen to huge sizes because people want to experience the total darkness of the eclipse. In John 3:19 Jesus revealed a sad truth: “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

There is nothing wrong about wanting to see a total solar eclipse, but there is something horribly wrong with a desire to seek spiritual darkness when God offers us the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Let this event remind us of His eternal light.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil


Job 38:1-2

 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: ‘Who is this that obscures My plans with words without knowledge?’”

Sometimes we, like Job, spend too much time dwelling on our misfortunes instead of asking the Lord to show us the plans He has for us. Paul learned that the Lord allowed his “thorn in the flesh” to remain in order to teach him to be used of God in the midst of his pain.

I have always enjoyed the comic strip Hagar the Horrible by Chris Browne. Years ago Chris depicted Hagar standing on the top of a high mountain peak with his battered old sword raised high over his head. There high aloft the mere mortals below, Hagar declared that he had reached the top after all of these years!

Hagar declares that this is what every man wants, but he is the only one to have achieved!  He proclaims: “I am invincible! I am indestructible! No one can challenge me! I am the greatest! I’m number one!” Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.  Hagar ducks, looks toward heaven and meekly asks, “Okay — how about the second greatest?”

Pride goes before a fall. When subjected to proud boasts, the only one who is impressed is the braggart. Humility is our constant awareness of our need of the Lord at all times in our life, not just in the emergencies.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil


John 14:25

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

The reality of homelessness has become a great issue in our modern world. In many cases, people have been forced from the lives they once knew and been left to spend their time moving from shelter to shelter.

In light of the devastating flooding in Texas, many thousands of people are now experiencing homelessness. It may be temporary, but it is possible that some may never be able to return to their homes.

For the true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can visualize ourselves as being HOMELESS. That is certainly true when we pause to consider that our time in this world is temporary at best. How long we stay here is not so important as is the attitude we have toward our eternal home.

The promise that Jesus offers us here in today’s Scripture is that when we abide in Him, we are at home regardless of where that may be. I was at home when I was on a remote assignment in northern Newfoundland, Canada. I am also at home here in Tumwater, Washington. I just want to abide in Him until He calls me HOME!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil