Joshua 9:14-15

“Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the Lord. So Joshua made peace with them, and made a covenant with them to let them live; and the rulers of the congregation swore to them.

Heartbreak is too often the result of not seeking God’s counsel before taking a particular action. Over the years of my ministry I have counseled many people concerning their relationship with God and with individuals. Frequently, people have wanted their own way rather than taking the time to discover God’s way.

The two verses that I have quoted today reference a time when Israel was possessing the land which God had given them. For the most part, Joshua always took the time to seek and follow God’s will. Each and every time that Joshua and the leaders of Israel sought the face of God and then obeyed, there was victory. The times when they failed to seek His will, there was always failure and disaster.

The Gibeonites knew that Israel was an unstoppable force. God had so blessed them that wherever they went they were undefeatable. So the crafty Gibeonites devised a plan whereby it appeared they were a group from far away rather than residents near at hand. To enhance the deception, they wore worn clothing and carried moldy bread. From all outward appearances this was a ragtag group that sought a treaty with Israel. To their detriment, Joshua and the leaders relied upon what they saw rather than seeking what God knew. They were deceived!

In our own lives we can also be deceived by appearances. Rather than taking the time to seek God’s will for us, we think we know enough to make our own decisions. That is never the case! We always need God’s direction.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil