Philippians 4:21-22

Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.

As I think back across the years of my life, I realize that there were many situations that I found myself in that were not what I wanted. I could say that it was just an act of coincidence that I was at a particular place at a particular time, but as a dedicated Christian I have come to discount coincidences. To me, the situations of my life have been and still are divine assignments. I have been and will continue to recognize that God places me where He wants me to be His agent.

I know of many individuals that find themselves confined in jails or penitentiaries. As we have talked, I have often discovered that their ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ is far richer behind bars than it was when they were on the outside. They have become the agents of God to the incarcerated. Read today’s Scripture and realize that Paul was in prison, but some of the guards had become believers. Paul was the agent of God in a Roman prison.

There are others who have been confined to hospitals with a physical condition that has left them incapacitated. Wait a minute! Incapacitated does not mean that they do not have an opportunity to minister. Some of the most fruitful ministry is done in hospital rooms. Those who are available can become the agents of God to the incapacitated.

We may find ourselves located in rescue missions, senior centers, retirement homes, or any number of places. It really does not matter where God has chosen to place us—He desires that we become His agent right where we are.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil