Luke 15:30

But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.

I once encountered a brother and sister that had been hostile toward each other for years. Even their children held deep hostility toward their cousins because of their parent’s anger toward each other. Prior to the funeral of the feuding siblings’s mother I met with the families and, with God’s help and Scripture, we restored their relationship.

In our parable of the prodigal it is interesting to note that when the younger brother received his inheritance, his older brother received his as well. In that culture the first-born child received a double portion of the inheritance. In this case the oldest would have received two-thirds and the youngest one-third. While the younger brother departed for a far land, it appears the elder brother departed for a far field of envy and resentment. He had no idea what his younger brother was doing, but he accused him of spending his money on harlots.

Sometimes our false accusations reveal what our own temptations are. This older brother had also received his inheritance but evidently did not enjoy it. He seethed with anger and jealousy that his younger brother was welcomed home with a joyous celebration.

His refusal to join the feast reveals the condition of his heart. While his wayward brother had been willing to become a servant, this older brother rejected his father’s plea to come home. Which sibling describes you?

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil