Luke 18:17

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Yesterday was a very busy day for me. I conducted a memorial service out of the area for a little five year old boy. It was an upbeat service and I was impressed by the way the Lord had blessed the parents with a spirit of grace and beauty even in the face of the loss of this precious son of theirs.

When I returned home our grandson and granddaughter dropped by the house with our 8 week old great granddaughter, Ruby Grace. I make no apologies about the fact that I am crazy about babies. Every child or grandchild has fallen asleep on my chest. (Sometimes I join them in a little snooze).

Ruby was just a little fussy and I was not sure if she would quiet down as I held her, but she seemed to know that this soft chest was a place of rest. She was soon fast asleep and breathing deeply.

As Children of God we are welcomed to lay our head on the soft chest of our heavenly Father and let the cares of this life pass by. It is so sad that we think that it is our responsibility to solve the problems of the world all by ourselves. Instead we need to cast all of our cares on Him because He cares so much for us and He is the One who can make things right.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil
(360) 570-0074

P.S. – You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at

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