Romans 8:16-17a

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

Earthly kings have a limited domain. They also have a limited time to serve. Our great and glorious King has limitless domain and an eternal reign. When we wrap our minds around that we realize the kingdoms of this world cannot compare.

It was in the late 1800’s when Harriet Buell had been attending church one Sunday morning, and on her way home she wrote the words of today’s hymn.  She sent her poem to the Northern Christian Advocate and it was published February 1, 1877.

It has been sung by many well known gospel artists across the years. The words are a blessed assurance of what we have waiting for us in glory.


1.  My Father is rich in houses and lands,
He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands!
Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,
His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

Refrain:  I’m a child of the King, A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.

2.  My Father’s own Son, the Savior of men,
Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them;
But now He is pleading our pardon on high,
That we may be His when He comes by and by.

Refrain:  I’m a child of the King, A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.

3.  I once was an outcast stranger on earth,
A sinner by choice, an alien by birth,
But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down,
An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown.

Refrain:  I’m a child of the King, A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.

4.  A tent or a cottage, why should I care?
They’re building a palace for me over there;
Though exiled from home, yet still may I sing:
All glory to God, I’m a child of the King.

Refrain:  I’m a child of the King, A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil