John 14:1  

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

Yesterday I wrote about overcoming fear and depression God’s way. I want to continue that line of thinking for dealing with a “broken heart” — a condition we encounter when we lose something very precious to us.

I have had the mind-numbing experience of officiating at the funeral services of my daughter, my mother, my brother, and numerous friends. I have also felt the terrible loss of my precious wife who was part of my very existence.

Dealing with broken-heartedness is far more than having a positive mental attitude. It is receiving the help that only the Lord can provide. It entails re-directing the focus of our attention. No amount of wishful thinking will ever return our loved ones to us on this earth, but a proper acceptance of what God has welcomed them into can do that.

John assures us one result of our belief in God is that our thinking is different from those who have no hope. When we truly believe in the loving Savior who rose from the dead, we can realize that our precious loved ones who die in the Lord are in such heavenly bliss that it should make us homesick for heaven. Until that day we can have the beautiful assurance that we have loved ones waiting to welcome us to our eternal home!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil