James 4:3
“You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.”
Back in 1970 I was stationed at Whiteman AFB in Missouri. The Ice Capades show was touring across the country and they were going to be in Kansas City. Tickets were made available to military families at a huge discount. We bought the tickets and were anticipating a family adventure. Then came news of riots in the inner city and we did not go.
A few years later the Ice Capades again came to Kansas City. Joyce said she was going to write and ask for tickets since we were afraid to go the last time they were there. I tried to talk her out of it since they were not at fault, but she sent the letter. Shortly we received five tickets! That’s my wife! Our previous tickets were for seats far from the ice rink, so we were looking for our seats and could not find them. We asked an usher and were told that the seats were down front. When I say down front, they were right next to the ice. Our youngest daughter, Lori, was even chosen to ride in one of the featured rides.
If Joyce had not asked we would never have enjoyed that wonderful experience in our life. It was not what we expected, but far more. When we ask of the Lord we are told to never ask selfishly. Ask for His will and watch for His answers!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil