Matthew 5:46-47
“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?”
Every time I think about self-centeredness, I recall Dan, a young man who asked me for advice on how to deal with his work situation. He felt like he was the low man on the totem pole and his efforts were not appreciated by his superiors. It was just a seasonal job processing potatoes, but he still believed that he deserved better.
I asked him, “What is the worst job in the processing plant?” Without hesitating he said, “Cleaning up the spoiled potatoes at the end of the processing belt. They rot and smell terrible. They are a disgusting mess to clean up.”
With a smile I told Dan that I would like for him to volunteer for that job. Not only that, I suggested that he find joy in the task. It would give him an opportunity to memorize Scripture and talk with God since no one wanted to be near the smell of rotting potatoes.
Dan found great joy in that position and, as a result, he was noticed by the managers. He had shown that he was not looking for the easier jobs, but was willing to do the task that everyone else avoided. I could see Dan grow spiritually in a dramatic way, showing humility in serving rather than being served. I pray that each of us will strive to have a servant spirit.
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil