Revelation 22:21

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Sunday morning, just before the service, one of our youngest members came up to me with her Bible open to the last verse in the Bible, Revelation 22:21. She was thrilled with the words of blessing that were given to the Apostle John to encourage believers of all ages.

I have been thinking about this passage since that time and reflecting on the meaning of the word grace. I have heard it defined as the favor of God at the expense of the shed blood of His precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus came into the world for the purpose of giving us His grace. He loved the world to His very own death. Did we deserve it? No! Did we need it? Absolutely! You see, we can never be good enough to earn salvation. Salvation is never achieved by being good enough or doing enough good deeds. It is only by the grace of our Savior that we have salvation.

Let me be very candid at this point. If you think you have received salvation by holding membership in a particular group or by doing good deeds, you are mistaken. We are saved ONLY by confessing our sins and inviting Jesus to be the Lord of our life. If you have not done that before, please, I implore you to do it immediately.

As we read through the book of Revelation we discover the plan and purpose of God to be fulfilled in and through Jesus Christ. Years ago I heard a minister quote an older member of his congregation sum up the book of revelation in two words: JESUS WINS!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil

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