Matthew 24:10-13

And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

In the past I have mentioned the difference in kids today from when I was in school. Many of us remember that when we were in school the teachers and the principals were the ultimate authority—when a spanking was merited, a spanking was received. The thought of suing a teacher, principal, or school was never considered. Most of the time kids didn’t even consider telling their folks about spankings at school—it would mean receiving an even harder one at home. (Being perfect that never applied to me. Cough! Cough!)

Today, true believers in the Word of God being the ultimate authority are more and more accused of being out of step with reality. It is not a character defect that we possess, but there has been a dramatic shift in society that puts the faith of the believer at odds with the world. It is all happening so quickly that it is phenomenal. In my own lifetime we have degraded into a miserable and immoral world.

Remember when issues that were presented in the media at least had a form of righteousness to them? But gradually questionable words and scenes were slipped into the television shows and movies. Profanity became the “new normal.” Questionable things became the norm. Morality became more and more prudish and out of date. Permissiveness has now become, not the exception, but the accepted standard.

An indication of how far from God’s standard of righteousness we have strayed is easily displayed. States are voting to determine if marriage should be classified legally as only a union between a man and a woman. But we do not have to vote on it—God has firmly established that homosexuality is abhorrent. We do not need to vote, we need to obey!

This trend is taking on more sinister overtones as of late. Christians who hold firmly to the Word of God as their source of righteousness are now being labeled the enemy of society. We believers who have received Jesus Christ as personal Savior, and who accept the Bible as God’s inerrant authority, are counted as being warped and a hindrance to progress. Morals which are established on the Word of God are pushed aside and replaced by personal desires. Righteousness is now defined by that which will bring the individual the greatest pleasure.

A revival of God’s righteousness and holiness is always needed, but now more than ever. There is an entire generation of people who are in danger of being lost without a mighty move of the Spirit of God in our midst. May we pray as we have never prayed before, and act in obedience to God’s unfailing Word.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil