Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
Today we hear young families who live in 2,000 square foot homes wanting something bigger. They have a new baby on the way and there is just not enough room in their present dwelling. Give me a break! Back in November 1954, I had just completed Technical School as a jet mechanic. My first assignment was in Rapid City, South Dakota. Joyce and I were very happy and looking forward to a new and exciting adventure.
We rented a few months before purchasing our first home. It was a 24-foot Terry travel trailer. That meant that we were living in less than 200 square feet. Within hours my precious wife had that little home on wheels looking like a castle.
I think most of us in the over-the-hill gang can remember living in a house with only one bathroom (if we were lucky), and we had to share a bedroom with brothers or sisters. The thought of moving into larger digs was never considered. We were just thankful that we had a place to call home.
Over the years since the 1950’s, we have lived in many fine homes and some not so fine. But our contentment has not come from the size or condition of our home—it is our love for the Lord Jesus Christ that has made us content.
The thought suddenly strikes me—the more our love for the Lord grows—the less importance we place on the stuff of life. All of this is going to pass away and we will find that only what we do for Christ will last.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
—Pastor Cecil