John 3:30-31

“He must increase, but I must decrease.  He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.”

I sat with a family at the bedside of their wife and mother. She was gasping for her next breath of air and then would be silent for a time before repeating the process. Many times the pauses were so long we were sure she had slipped into eternity.

Her husband of many years whispered to me, “I wish I could help her or even take her place.” We both knew this was impossible. I took her feeble hand and prayed for her, asking the Lord to give her peace that we could not even imagine. I had no idea if she even heard my prayer, but a few minutes later she opened her eyes and with a look of joy she declared: “I’ve seen them!” Shortly after this went to be with the ones she had seen.

God has given me the spiritual gift of encouragement. The result is that many people who feel the need of encouragement and help have called on me to help. I must confess that many times I feel helpless, and yet I am glad that I do. You see I am not the one who brings lasting help. It is far better to remember that only the Lord can help and so I need to point them to the real source of help, Jesus!

Do you feel that you at the end of your rope? Is your world seemingly crumbling down around your shoulders? Go to the Lord in prayer and lay your heavy burden before Him. He loves you more than any human being and He is able to help!  

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


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