Luke 21:33

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.”

I once was listening to a sermon tape on humility by Dr. Donald Barnhouse. He related how he was preaching about humility in an earlier meeting. After one of the services a man approached him and said, “Dr. Barnhouse, please pray that the Lord will make me nothing.”

Dr. Barnhouse was known for being forthright in his conversation. He looked directly at the man and said, “Take it by faith, Brother, you are nothing!”

I love it! It was not specifically directed at him, but applies to each and every one of us. It is not what we say or do that deserves credit, but what the Lord does in and through us.

When people will give us praise and adulation, it is very easy to feel that we really deserve it. I don’t think we do. Yes, we are God’s children, but He is the One, and He is the only One who deserves praise. When others see Jesus in us, it is Jesus in us that counts — not the way we present Him.

There is a hymn that we used to sing that really expresses what I pray for my own life and ministry: Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me; All His wonderful passion and purity; Oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine; Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil
