2 Peter 1:3

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

When Michelangelo was working feverishly on the painting in the Sistine Chapel, the Pope became frustrated at how slow the work was progressing. He asked Michelangelo, “When will you make an end?”  Michelangelo replied simply, “When I am finished.”

As we travel this pathway of life there may be times when it seems that our progress is very slow. In God’s economy that is never the case. He knows when the timing is right and is working behind the scenes to accomplish His will.

Our problem is getting out of step with God. We either run way ahead and want Him to catch up with us, or we lag far behind and feel frustrated when we are not able to catch up with Him.

It is time to make a new commitment to discover God’s plan and purpose for us and then stay close to Him in order to be used to accomplish the tasks He has for us. Remember to keep the joy of the Lord in your heart. Do not be discouraged — God is not finished with you yet!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil