Titus 3:8

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

Years ago when I served on the Idaho Law Enforcement Planning Commission, we required each agency that received financial assistance to submit a report on how the grant money was spent and the result. A report we received from a small town Chief of Police was very brief  and to the point: “Hired one man and he done good.”

We had a good laugh at the brevity of the Chief’s report and then agreed that while it was brief and humorous, it conveyed more than many reports that droned on page after page but revealed little vital information.

Paul was very direct in his instructions to Titus, his young student in the Faith. Titus was instructed to affirm constantly and to be consistent in his ministry. The thing that he was to stress was the necessity of good works.

Works do not bring about salvation, but they do reveal what are the important things in our ministry. How would others describe your service to the Lord? Could you be described as just talking the talk or walking the walk? Are you doing good works or simply talking about what is good. DO GOOD!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil


Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

From time to time I observe people doing or saying things that will bring them “good luck.” People toss coins into wells or fountains to assure success or take particular routes of travel to assure safety. There are also those who carry a particular coin or amulet that supposedly will bring good fortune and success.

I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such assurance of success or safety no matter how many or what type of actions are taken. For those of us who have given our heart and soul to Jesus to receive eternal salvation, He becomes our confident assurance that He will use everything that happens to us for our good and His glory.

Recently I heard Joni Eareckson Tada thank the Lord for the diving accident at age 17 that left her paralyzed from the shoulders down. She rejoiced that in the years since God has used her in ways she could never have been used before the accident.

We need to constantly remind ourselves that when we leave all of our tomorrows in God’s loving hands, He will take our yielded life in His loving hands and direct the paths that lie before us. NO LUCKY COINS REQUIRED!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil