Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Years ago I received a call from a dear pastor friend. He explained that he had been having plumbing problems at his house and the estimate he received indicated it was going to cost him something over $400. Ouch!

When he started calling friends for recommendations about who to call to make the repairs, one name kept coming up. Each time he was told that the man was very independent and may not even want to do the work … and if he did, it would be very costly.

Reluctantly my pastor friend made the call to the recommended plumber who was just as he had been described. He was insulting about spiritual things but surprisingly agreed to do the work. When he arrived, however, it seemed he was more interested in finding the Lord than in repairing the plumbing. It was only a very short time before he prayed and received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. WOW!

My friend was so excited that he was glowing with spiritual energy. It seemed it was not so much a plumbing problem that needed to be fixed, but a heart problem. God had graciously used plumbing as a means to bring that lost man to salvation. (By the way, the bill for the repair was $0).

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil